I have to catch everybody

If they start to go over the cliff

The Writing’s On The Wall

The more you hear stories from people, the more you realize that everybody is building their own façade. I mean, it’s easier to smile than telling a story about why you are really sad.

Without those stories, you just thought that everyone and everything is fine. But, it’s not. Life has to go on, anyway.

I need a distraction. And I hope, they’ll still be selling murtabak on Monday. 🙂

How do I react to that? I can’t say sorry. I can’t be apologetic. It will belittle the hardwork I put. I can’t say it’s the same thing because it’s not. I can’t say I understand because I don’t.

This is a life-long dream. I don’t wake up one day and decided that I’m gonna take that road. No. I want that for as long as I can remember. I went to that page every year wishing one day I could register. I’ve  understood the process long before I went to the briefing.

So, yeah..

It was just awful that you didn’t get to make choices. You and I are two sides of a coin. Flip a coin and we might switch places.

But, a place doesn’t make a person. After all that’s done with, we’re all back to square one. At the bottom of the food chain.

Really, when you take a scholarship, you sign it with your blood. Your soul is for the devil to keep.

Filed under: Rant

I Am A Distraction

I am so grateful. I can’t begin to say how grateful I am. I’m thanking God profusely now. It’s surreal. It’s unexpected. It’s as if the forces of the Universe align itself and everything falls into place.

I’m glad and ever-so grateful that I got this with myself intact.

I’m high-fiving my 7 year-old self in a space-time continuum. I know all too well that there’s a long waaayy to go. But hey, we made it this far! 🙂


In the spirit of all things holy, I would learn to be more grateful of what I have, of what I got. Not wishing for it to be something more. Something is always better than nothing right?

Filed under: Rant

I Bet

Everyone goes into this world so innocently.
Not knowing of love lost, broken dreams, flunked test or

…………….. piles of homework!

Filed under: Rant

If You Really Want to Hear About It

When’s Your Birthday?

August 2010