I have to catch everybody

If they start to go over the cliff

Or May The Reverse Be My Lot.

You don’t see me driving BMW or Merc. I’m just a ‘hamba kerajaan’. But we stayed on because we believe we are doing something for the people. …. You have to go in with the right reasons. What do you want to give back to the society?

Filed under: Rant

You’re Like the Star – Because I Can Only Watch You From Afar

Yes, I have issues.

A reminder to self:

1. You know what people say, when you sign a scholarship contract, you sign it withyour blood.

2. You have pratically sell yourself to the devil. And the devil owns the right to dump you soul anywhere he can afford to.

3. Life IS unfair. Enough said.


3.1415……….. people died when a pie factory exploded. 😐 Yeah, lame.

Filed under: Rant

Now War is Declared – and Battle Come Down

Finally it ended. Exams, first year, drama, our class  etc etc.


It’s more or less been a year since IB. Two years ago, it didnt even occur to me that I would be there. Now, look where I am! See, where life takes you?

I’ve learned a lot about myself, the good and the bad, and of life as well. I know that along the way, I may have made some immature, emotional decisions but what’s life without mistakes. As for now, all I can do is just take it as it go.

And I have been pretty disappointed with myself lately. Of how I changed after I got into KMB. I must admit I am no longer as driven and self-motivated as I was before. The old me wouldn’t cave in to sleep until she has finished revising. The old me wouldn’t dare take an evening nap if there was an exam tomorrow. I am no longer of those two. Perhaps, life has taken its toll on me. Or, IB demand just dampen my ardour.


I know that it’s kinda lame to go all philosophical about the lost and found of a clearance slip.

But I seriously think the fact that I found my clearance slip mere minutes before I went home is a sign from God.

It’s as if God’s way of saying, don’t worry. That I need to have fatih in Him. To have faith in myself more. And just be calm along the way because it will be settled.


I have open my options. Sometimes, you just need to realise that perhaps, you are not good as you want yourself to be. It’s bitter but I’ll have to accept it anyway.

And I realise that, life’s unfair. No matter how much people going around telling you that life is fair, it isn’t! I mean, if life is really fair, we won’t need retribution, will we?

A reminder to self:


Filed under: Rant

Oh Come All Ye Faithful

I’ve had one of my efficient Sundays ever! So, I haven’t really done much but hey, I had done something at least. So little time. So much to cover.


I like Sundays because they’ll have new Postsecrets!

7 days to go. All I can have now is optimism.

Filed under: Rant

There’s this word it’s called ‘we’. It’s a pronoun. Usage: When you are part of a team, you develop a feeling of belonging together and start thinking in terms of “we” rather than “I” or “you”.

Filed under: Rant

We Are Running For Oscars!

A wise person once told me that you can tell a mature person by the way he reacts to a situation.

1. I strongly believe in retribution. That’s the only thing that makes me sleep at night. Knowing that those that abused animals mercilessly will get their karma, sooner if not later. Those pedophile caught lose will get their karma, sooner if not later. I don’t know how or even when, but I believe that they will get it, somehow.

2. I also believe that if I take the high road, I’ll be the bigger person who doesn’t stoop as low as those that offended me.

4. I also believe that the world doesn’t adapt to  us. We adapt to the world.







11. I have so much more to say but I think I’ve said enough.

12. There’s a saying, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Filed under: Rant

I Am A Bloody Robot. I Am A Ticking Time Bomb

Great! As if life isn’t already as difficult as it is. A disaster of some sort struck us. In a way, it is kinda inevitable.It could either break us or unite us.

No one ever said taking the high road is easy, eh?

My brain decides, my heart beats.

Filed under: Rant

This Better Be Good

If it’s true that things happen for a reason, I sure hope that these 2 years do.it’s gonna be a tumultous few months of placement, IAs, EE etc.

But before that, Semester 2 Exams.

I guess, I could feel better now, knowing that somewhere out there, my Googleganger is a pretty, petite model who is 4 months pregnant. 😐

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Funeral Blues
WH Auden

Filed under: Rant

If You Really Want to Hear About It

When’s Your Birthday?

May 2010